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In spite of carefully checking the content, we accept no liability whatsoever for the content of external links. The responsibility for the content of linked websites rests exclusively with the operators of such websites.
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The content of these pages has been compiled and examined with utmost care. However, GWI GmbH accepts no liability whatsoever for the information provided. We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or quality of the information provided. Any and all claims against GWI GmbH on the grounds of material or immaterial damage arising from use or non-use of the information supplied or from incorrect or incomplete information are excluded in principle, unless such damages are proved to have been caused by a wilful act or gross negligence on the part of GWI GmbH. GWI GmbH expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete the whole of this website or any parts thereof, or to terminate its publication altogether without prior announcement.